Glittering Sky

The epitome of a gentle giant, this Hellsguard Roegadyn approaches the world with a warm, caring disposition. While she can be clumsy at even the best of times, she has a warm heart for other people, even if they struggle to understand her. A pacifist through and through, Sky feels a true connection to nature. ...she also grows some incredible moko.

About Sky

Name: Glittering Sky
Nickname: Sky
Age: 41
DOB: 15th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Height: 7'3"
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship: Dating Mogryn
Occupation: Caravaneer, Botanist, Shaman, Death Doula

AppearanceSky is a beautiful, mature hellsguard roegadyn of medium height, though she still looms over folks of most other races. She has a stocky, chubby build, a far cry from the typical muscular frame seen amongst her people. Offsetting her reddish skin is long, light blue hair, and striking blue eyes. A warm, friendly smile can usually be found on her face.Sky is usually seen wearing very little clothing, or very loose-fitting clothes in blues and greens.She can come off as oafish due to her clumsy nature, and she is frequently hunched over to make herself seem smaller than she is.

Plants, Crystals, Smoke, Stars, Souls, Tea, a Grand Feast
Moko, Herbal Blends, Tea, Chocolate

Personality+ Kindhearted, Friendly, Open-Minded, Down to Earth
- Ravenous Appetite, Clumsy, Self-Unaware, Constantly Stoned
Sky has a warm heart for all kinds of people, and she is a pacifist to a fault. Though she is slow to judge other people, her convictions are absolute. She truly believes that no good can come from bloodshed and refuses to hurt another soul.Sky isn't exactly quick on the uptake, and a part of that is that she is constantly baked out of her gourd on moko. That isn't to say that she's stupid, however. She is a master at growing the soporific plant and using it for medicinal purposes.Sky can often be found...

  • Legatum Mysteria

  • Botanist Guild

  • Visiting 'Beast Tribes'

  • In the woods of the Black Shroud

Plot Hooks

Sky has been traveling with various caravans for much of her adult life, offering her services as a healer to ensure that they make it to their destinations safely. Perhaps you have traveled alongside Sky in the past. Perhaps you have smoked a bowl with her during her travels.
Family Business
Sky comes from a family of sellswords. Her father, Stark Horizon, was once a member of a little-known organization called the Knights of the Lost, and since it disbanded, he and his family have been mercenaries ever since. Sky, the youngest of his children, was the odd one out due to her pacifist ideology, and she cut ties with her family at a young age. Since then, she has learned that her older sister - Blazing Sun - was killed. She knows not where her father, her mother (Crimson Sea), and her brothers (Northern Star and Dark Moon), currently reside.
Friend of 'Beasts'
Sky is very friendly with all kinds of people, and feels a close connection in particular with the various tribes callously called the Beastmen by so many. She sees them - Amal'jaa, Sylphs, Moogles, Ixal, Sahagins, Kobolds, all of them - as simply people. She is drawn to them because she too feels like a misunderstood outcast. She has even begun a romance with a moogly friend - Mogryn.

Smoke 'em if you Got 'em
Sky has been growing moko for well over a decade. She has perfected the art of moko cultivation, and she has created multiple strains for various purposes. If you indulge in such things, you might have heard about Sky and her amazing moko, and if you're lucky, you might have enjoyed some yourself.
One with Nature
Sky feels a strong connection to nature, and to the Elementals. Though she isn't necessarily devout to Nophica, she is a conjurer who finds the balance with nature to be of the most importance. If you are a denizen of the Shroud or a member of the Conjurer's guild, you might have interacted with Sky before. Though lately, she has been speaking of guiding souls to the lifestream...what's that about?
Don't Fear the Reaper
Sky is easily manipulated by people who show her kindness, and such a thing occurred when Depheone Dascheaux de Dzemael took Sky in as her ward, drugging and brainwashing her to gain control of her wayward daughter, Vavamo, and grab for power in Ishgard. Sky was rehabilitated and Depheone was killed, but after moons of spiraling mental health, Sky was affected by the lingering spirit of Depheone - now a voidsent, and became her avatar, summoning voidsent and feeding them to Depheone that she might again grab for power. Sky was saved and Depheone was vanquished once more, but that seed of darkness still lingers...

OOC Notes

I will roleplay with veteran and novice RPers alike, assuming I'm not AFK or busy with something else! However, I have a few notes to consider:

  • I am not my characters, and they are not self-inserts for me. While I am happy to make friends with people OOC and IC alike, it's very important to me that fellow RPers recognize that I have a hard line between my characters and my IRL life, especially when it comes to relationships.

  • I am open to all kinds of storytelling, including mature or dark themes. However, please clear anything especially dramatic with me OOC beforehand.

  • I stay relatively lore compliant but I do believe in the "Rule of Cool" and bending the lore (not breaking it) to make a more exciting, engaging story. I like to take vague obscure lore bits and expound on them to make something unique.

  • Because my characters and stories tend to lean toward the mature side, please only engage me in RP if you're over the age of 18 IRL.

  • Do not interact if you're only interested in ERP. I'm not against ERP, but it is not a focus for me. I do not enjoy it unless it is the culmination of a story beat.

  • I really enjoy exploring peoples' character histories and building their stories! If any of my characters' hooks sound like something you could build off of, I'd love to have an OOC conversation about that! Perhaps we could even plan a story arc together. ♥